Jumaat, 9 Oktober 2009
Pengajaran penarafan THE-QS World University 2009
Berasaskan kepada dapatan 2007, tahun pertama perubahan besar metodologi penarafan dilakukan oleh THE-QS, semua universiti telah menunjukkan kemajuan pada 2009 kecuali sebuah. Naik turun tahun ke tahun dijangka berlaku disebabkan kesan perubahan dinamik respons survei dan ubah suai kecil terhadap metodologi kajian.
Menurut Ben Souter, Ketua Penyelidik QS, tiga faktor menyebabkan ketidaktentuan ketara dalam ranking THE-QS, misalnya kedudukan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia yang berubah seperti "yo-yo" memberikan contoh yang paling jelas (307 pada 2007, 250 pada 2008 dan 291 pada 2009).
Institusi-institusi baru yang memasuki senarai tersebut membawa kesan secara langsung terhadap kedudukan institusi sedia ada, bergantung sama ada penyertaan mereka pada kedudukan di atas atau di bawah institusi sedia ada. Responden survei yang pada awalnya diwakili ramai dari Malaysia, juga mulai dicair dengan penambahan responden dari negara-negara yang dahulunya kurang diwakili seperti Jepun.
Selain itu mulai tahun 2008, respons dalam negara diasingkan daripada respons antarabangsa dan hanya membawa pemberat 15 peratus. Kesan kepada perubahan ini terhadap penilaian keserakanan akademik akan memuncak pada 2010 dan institusi yang paling teruk padahnya adalah institusi dari negara-negara yang memiliki sebilangan kecil institusi sahaja tetapi mempunyai jumlah responden yang tinggi (Malaysia adalah satu contoh).
Kita tidak harus melihat ini sebagai suatu ketidakadilan kerana kita ingin mengecap pengiktirafan antarabangsa selain disanjungi rakan akademia di Malaysia. Sungguhpun terdapat perubahan kaedah yang tidak menyebelahi institusi di Malaysia, kita tidak wajar mengetepikan data penarafan THE-QS kerana ia boleh dijadikan asas perbandingan selain membantu kita merencana pelan strategi dan tindakan untuk peningkatan berterusan.
Sebagai contoh, iltizam UKM untuk memanfaat sumber yang ada telah menghasilkan peningkatan nisbah pelajar fakulti, tenaga pengajar antarabangsa dan pelajar antarabangsa.
Tumpuan UKM kepada pengukuhan penyelidikan dan menggalakkan penerbitan telah meningkatkan jumlah penerbitan dalam jurnal terindeks oleh Scopus, serta jumlah sebutan pada 2008, berbanding jumlah terkumpul empat tahun sebelumnya, sungguhpun jumlah besar belum mencapai keberkesanan global.
Sebagai sebuah universiti penyelidikan, inilah ruang bagi UKM memberikan tumpuan terbesar.
Strategi transformasi dan tindakan yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan, telah direka bentuk untuk memenuhi sasaran yang akan meletakkan UKM sederap universiti penyelidikan lain menjelang 2020. Penyelidikan memacu pendidikan dan perkhidmatan, dan hasilnya tidak seharusnya memberi dampak kepada penarafan dan reputasi akademik sahaja, malah lebih penting lagi menyumbang kepada pembinaaan ekonomi dan masyarakat yang mapan.
Ben Souter merumuskan, dengan KDNK 6.3 peratus, kerajaan telah melakukan pelaburan yang baik dalam pendidikan. Peruntukan kepada pengajian tinggi harus diagih secara berkesan dengan pemberat kepada pengukuhan universiti penyelidikan dan kemajuan negara jangka masa sederhana. Gaya tadbir urus dan kesinambungan kepemimpinan strategik di peringkat institusi adalah kritikal sebagai asas untuk bersaing pada tahun-tahun mendatang.
Sharifah Hapsah Shahabudin
Naib Canselor
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Sabtu, 3 Oktober 2009
Anti-Wi-Fi paint keeps your wireless signal to yourself

With a quick lick of paint, your wi-fi connection could be secured
Don't like the idea of your neighbors rudely snooping on the wireless signal you slaved to pay for from the lazy comfort of their living room? It's not just about slowing down your connection; while they're downloading Mad Men via bittorrent, you could be on the hook for their actions.
Wireless security and encryption systems are fraught with problems and insecurity, and other methods to restrict your signal to a small area are cumbersome at best.
The idea is simple: Use a special paint on walls where you don't want wireless to pass through (say the exterior of your house). The secret is mixing aluminum-iron oxide particles in with the paint. The metal particles resonate at the same frequency as Wi-Fi and other radio waves, so signals can't pass through the thin layer of pigment.
Outsiders would simply be unable to access your wireless network, just as you, inside the house, won't be able to interlope on anything beamed on the outside. Developed by the University of Tokyo, the paint is said to be the first that can block radio frequency in higher spectra where Wi-Fi and other higher-bandwidth communications occur rather than just low-frequency wireless like FM radio.
Most Wi-Fi technologies operate at 2.4GHz; the Tokyo paint can reportedly block frequencies all the way up to 100GHz, with a 200GHz-blocking paint now in the works. The paint isn't just of interest to those concerned about wireless leaking out of the building. Movie theaters have long been interested in finding a legal way to keep cell phones silent during screenings.
Electronic jammers that actively block wireless signals are illegal, but passive materials that prevent wireless signals from getting through are not. Since the wireless-blocking paint can also block the lower-frequency signals that cell phones use, addled mobile junkies would have no outlet for reaching the outside world.
Some aren't convinced that anti-Wi-Fi paint makes a lot of sense for a secure situation, though. Says one engineer, "Surely the thought of having to redecorate a building in order to provide Wi-Fi security is more costly and complex than the security functionality available in even the cheapest of Wi-Fi access points..."
Good point.
More about the Paint : Anti-wi-fi paint offers security .
Researchers say they have created a special kind of paint which can block out wireless signals. It means security-conscious wireless users could block their neighbours from being able to access their home network - without having to set up encryption.
The paint contains an aluminium-iron oxide which resonates at the same frequency as wi-fi - or other radio waves - meaning the airborne data is absorbed and blocked. By coating an entire room, signals can't get in and, crucially, can't get out. Developed at the University of Tokyo, the paint could cost as little as £10 per kilogram, researchers say.
" You could block phone signals from outside and stop people's phones ringing during the movie. " Shin-ichi Ohkoshi, University of Tokyo.
Cost-effective security
The makers say that for businesses it's a quick and cheap way of preventing access to sensitive data from unauthorised users. Presently, most companies have to invest in complicated encryption software to deter hackers.
Speaking on the BBC World Service's Digital Planet programme, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi, who is leading the project, explained how the paint could have many uses beyond security.
"In a medical setting, you could transmit large volumes of data from a medical device, such as an endoscope, to a computer.
"By painting a solution containing our magnetic particles on the walls, you would quickly, and effectively, shield the room from stray electromagnetic radiation from outside." While paints blocking lower frequencies have been available for some time, Mr Ohkoshi's technology is the first to absorb frequencies transmitting at 100GHz (gigahertz).
Signals carrying a larger amount of data - such as wireless internet - travel at a higher frequency than, for example, FM radio. "I'm working on a material that can absorb a larger range of frequencies. We are capable of making a paint that can absorb over 200 gigahertz." He hopes that soon the technology could be woven into clothing. "We're not sure about the true effects of electromagnetic waves, in this range, on the human body.
"We're assuming that excessive exposure could be bad for us. Therefore we're trying to make protective clothes for young children or pregnant women to help protect their bodies from such waves."
At the movies
The paint could also provide some much-needed relief during nights out at the cinema. "Our current mobile phones work at much lower frequencies, around 1.5 gigahertz. But, our material can also absorb frequencies that low, so you could block phone signals from outside and stop people's phones ringing during the movie," he said.
As well as helping to keep the cinema quiet, the paint may also pave the way for higher quality screens. "Movie pictures are beamed on the screen by the projector at the back of the cinema. But in the future, you could use a data link that works with millimetre waves. "You would have problems with interference, unless you painted the wall and ceiling of the theatre with an absorbent material like ours.
"In fact, we've had an order from an American company keen to use our ink in its movie theatre - we've just sent them a sample."
'Nothing new'
Some security experts remain unconvinced by the paint. "The use of electromagnetic shielding techniques are nothing new," said Mark Jackson, security engineer at Cisco UK. "They have been utilised by highly sensitive environments for many years." Mr Jackson notes that while the paint may block eavesdroppers, it would not prevent other types of hackers or intruders.
"Paint that blocks RF based Wi-Fi transmissions does not in any way remove the need to ensure a robust security model is deployed," he added.
"Surely the thought of having to redecorate a building in order to provide Wi-Fi security is more costly & complex than security functionality available in even the cheapest of Wi-Fi access points?" he said.
By Dave Lee
BBC World Service